Happy April! We are juggling new lives right now…

UPDATE: April 7th

The Virtual Jam Jam Science Show will be starting soon. I will be using the Google classroom and this web site to communicate. Details coming!

Congrats to the winners of Two Truths and a Lie. I did have two dogs named Cleopatra and Mandy, but not Blossom. Blossom was the neighbor’s dog back in 1973. Winners include:

Nona, Maddox, Sara, Jesse, Maddy R, Sara, Parker, Braezen. It is Tuesday.

The six students above – e-mail me the answer to this week’s Two Truths and a Lie.

My wife Kristen went to which college?

a) University of California, Davis

b) Georgetown University, Washington DC

c) Regis University, Colorado.

Thanks for the e-mails and well-wishes. I hope you are well! MJ


Update, March 31

Things are picking up soon! Once I know what I am going to have to do, I will dig in with gusto. The purpose of these communications today is to a) see who is checking e-mail b) test drive some ideas when I officially begin distance learning (I WILL make mistakes but I WILL LEARN) and c) to make public my personal growth challenge.

I already e-mailed you what I am doing with my extra time. As a personal challenge, last night from Amazon I received six juggling balls. I am going to be working that part of my brain. You want to do better in math? You want to paint better? (I know -why would you care about that?!?) Want to learn Japanese? Learning to juggling can help. Be impressed with the brain benefits of juggling after watching this video….

The evidence is impressive. Want to grow your brain? Learn to juggle. Or something. The link below is the tutorial I am going to use.

I could show you a video of me juggling right now, but let me save you the drama. It would show me throwing a couple of balls up in the air and catching one and the others hit the floor. Every time. I have zero skill here. Diego is more likely to make a free throw then me juggling, and that is saying something. Acasia and Saelis are more likely to put down art in public then me catching all three. Let’s see how it goes….

If YOU want to develop a skill from scratch, this would NOT be a 30 day challenge, it would be the JAM JAM challenge. Access the April 2nd Check in document from the Google classroom and go public. Juggling IS an excellent option though….

Let’s catch up for this week:

Mindful Monday

Especially now, more than ever. On a daily basis, write down what gives you the most life during the day and what drains the most life from you. Reading my book in the AM by myself with a nice hot cup of vanilla chai is high on my list, as is taking walks with Chico. On the bottom of my list – stealing my life – is watching too much of a trashy Netflix show, (I am embarrassed to tell you which one) and playing Text Twist. Text Twist is OK – but not at the volume I am playing it.

What are you waiting for? Grab yourself a piece of paper, fold it in half hot dog style. and begin the journey of self-discovery.

Two Truths and a Lie Tuesday

Sorry my old finalists. The old contest is closed. But I am starting a new one. This one is for a $5 Amazon gift card for every 25 people that play week one. Thus, if 87 of you respond, it will be a $15 gift card. To enter this week your response, go into the Google classroom and/or access the April 2nd Check in shared Google Sheets.

If you are not part of the science class Google classroom, please e-mail me for the code!

Question Week One These are the names of my three dogs I have owned. (or least two of them are….) Trust me. Which one is the lie?

(Answers must be posted by Saturday, April 4th, at midnight.




Far Side Wednesday

The Far Side" by Gary Larson. | Far side cartoons, Far side comics ...

Inspirational Thursday

YOU ALL are my inspiration this week. I am going to accept the challenge for distance learning and do my best to deliver. I soooo miss everyone.

I am going to post another oldie and goodie.

Finally, even a ray of sunshine for those who think winter will go on forever.

Social Distancing in Oregon

If anything that I have posted is NOT WORKING, please let me know. I expect errors at first.

I will be in touch. Be patient and loving during these incredible times! I have lots of time right now. If you have questions or want to share something right now, my e-mail is working great. Namaste.


March 10 – 13

Thursday, Friday, March 12 – 13

What we did in class today: We studied the concept of “niche” as it related to an ecosystem.

What to do if you missed class today: For Thursday, answer the questions below about Silverton. For Friday, watch the film below about niches and then use your answers for Thursday and answer the question in red font below about Subway Restaurants. E-mail your answers to Mr. Jamsa.


1) If ________________ moved to Silverton, that business would do quite well because ___________________.

(think of a business that you think would do great in Silverton – one that is not here right now)

2) We have lots and lots of Himilayan Blackberry Bushes (near the creeks) in and near our city.  If a rodent from Malaysia that eats those bushes moved to Silverton,_________________

(How would the species do?  What would you expect would happen?)


3) If a Walmart’s Super Center moved to Silverton, 3 consequences for local businesses would be (specific)




4) If a new species moves into an ecosystem, 3 consequences for local species could be





5) When a soccer team that only practices on turf plays the championship on thick grass______

(How are they going to do?  Why?)

6) If a forest always has a hard winter with lots of snow, then one year it is warmer with zero snow ___

(what might be a consequence for the animals that live there)


7) A business (not in Silverton) that would NOT do well in Silverton is ______________ because_____________.

8) If the World’s Best Coffee Stop moved to Silverton, and EVERYONE preferred their coffee, what are three options for Silverton coffee company?

(this is a fact – no one makes tastier coffee – so what can the local coffee shops do if they want to survive?)





Why is it not possible for all of the businesses in Silverton to all be replaced by Subway Restaurants? In other words, why could the business community of Silverton only be a bunch of Subway restaurants? Explain your answer. Give examples.


Wednesday, March 11

What we did in class today: We did an activity called “Oh Deer.” This shared experience was to help us discuss future topics related to our final exam questions.

What to do if you missed class today: Make a line graph of the data listed below. The title of the graph is “Population of Animals over Time.” Make one line for the population of the deer. Make another for the population of the lion. Thus, your graph will have two lines. Take a picture and send it to Mr. Jamsa for credit.

Year# Deer# Lions

Tuesday, March 10

What we did in class today: We watched a film and did a few activities to help appreciate why life changes over time and the direction that change might take.

What to do if you missed class today: You will need this information. Obtain a copy of the handout from Mr. Jamsa. Copy the notes of a classmate. Ask Mr. Jamsa if you have any questions!

Image result for dice

March 2 – March 5

Thursday, March 5th

What we did in class today: We looked at the connection between adaptations and biomes as we matched Hunger Game suits and biomes.

What to do if you missed class today: See Mr. Jamsa after school and he can show you the activity. The information will be helpful on the biodiversity exam in a few weeks.

Image result for hunger games

Wednesday, March 4th

Class A – before lunch

What we did in class: Today was the last day of the Hunger Games Adaptation Exercise.

What to do if you missed: Depending on how many days you missed from this three or four day exercise, you will lose credit. A makeup assignment will be posted this weekend.

Class B – after lunch

This lesson is the same lesson as the Class A lesson on Tuesday, 2/25. Please scroll down to it and follow instructions.


Tuesday, March 3rd

I only had science period 1 and 3 today because of the high school trip. We continued our work on the Hunger Games Adaptation Exercise.


Monday, March 2

Class A – before lunch

What we did in class today: Today was day two of the Hunger Games Adaptation Exercise.

What to do if you missed class today: Speak with Mr. Jamsa when you return to class. Depending on how much time you missed, you may or may not have makeup work to do on this three to four day activity.

Class B – after lunch

Scroll down to the Class A lesson for Thursday, February 20th, and follow instructions. This is a repeat of that lesson.

February 24 – 28

Friday, February 28

What we did in class today: Today we worked on the Hunger Games Adaptation Exercise.

What to do if you missed class today: Speak with Mr. Jamsa when you return to class. Depending on how much time you missed, you may or may not have makeup work to do on this three to four day activity.


Thursday, February 27

Class A – before lunch

What we did in class today: I did a lecture about species relationships.

What to do if you missed class today: Go to the Google classroom. Click on the posted material about adaptations. Follow instructions for the 2/21 lecture. Show Mr. Jamsa.

Class B – after lunch

What we did in class today: Today was day three of the Hunger Games Adaptation Exercise.

What to do if you missed class today: Speak with Mr. Jamsa when you return to class. Depending on how much time you missed, you may or may not have makeup work to do on this three to four day activity.


Wednesday, February 26

Class A – before lunch.

Read the information and follow instructions for Class B for Thursday, February 20th about adaptations.

Class B – after lunch

What we did in class today: It is day two of the Hunger Games Adaptation activity.

What to do if you missed class today: Speak with Mr. Jamsa when you return to class. Depending on how much time you missed, you may or may not have makeup work to do on this three to four day activity.

Tuesday, February 25

Class A – before lunch

What we did in class today: We watched a film on Punnett Squares and practiced making Punnett Squares.

What to do if you missed class today: Watch the film clip below. Ask Mr. Jamsa for a copy of the Punnett Square worksheet we did in class. Do the worksheet. Check your answers. Show Mr. Jamsa.

Class B – after lunch

What we did in class today: We started our Hunger Games Adaptation project.

What to do if you missed class today: You will be assigned a group when you return. Depending on how many days you miss, you might have some makeup work. After missing today, you will not have makeup work for today alone.


Monday, February 24

What we did in class today: We reviewed for the Big Three test which will be given in class next Monday.

What to do if you missed class today: Copy the notes below in a spot in your notebook called “The Big Three Review.” Let Mr. Jamsa know if you have any questions.


Matter Cycles

Matter (ANYTHING with mass or volume; ANY solid, liquid or gas)

Matter moves around – changes form (solid, liquid, gas) – goes through physical and chemical changes.

Matter never created or destroyed – can be used forever

You need to start with matter and then end up again somehow with the same matter – you need to make a CIRCLE.  The matter you started with is used for the same thing at the end.

Energy Flows

Energy (chemical; mechanical; electrical; sound; nuclear; thermal; light)

-Energy changes from one type to another.

As energy changes form, some of it will turn to heat.  And is LOST.  Useless!  Always  

(HINT: If there is movement, that heat will be generated by FRICTION – two surfaces rubbing against each other)


Life Webs/ Interdependence

Life Systems are connected – you affect one, you affect the other.  And you affect yourself.

Describe an event and what happens afterward as a result.  The original act affects others and comes back.
Show how a group action’s impacts each member of the group and a consequence if just one member does something different.

This works with different systems – group of people, members of an ecosystem, a single system like a radio or human body.

February 18 – 21

Friday, February 21

Class A – before lunch

What we did in class today: I did a lecture about genetic mixing and two parents.

What to do if you missed class today: Copy the KEY LEARNING from the notes of a classmate. You will need this information for the final exam.

Class B – after lunch

What we did in class today: I did a lecture about species relationships.

What to do if you missed class today: Go to the Google classroom. Click on the posted material about adaptations. Follow instructions for the 2/21 lecture. Show Mr. Jamsa.


Thursday, February 20

Class A – before lunch

What we did in class today: We watched a film about the future of genetics and evolution in preparation for our evolution studies.

What to do if you missed class today: Watch the TED talk below and write down five observations or questions and show Mr. Jamsa.

Class B – after lunch

What we did in class today: There was a lecture about adaptations.

What to do if you missed class today: Go to the Google classroom. Click on the posted material about adaptations. Follow instructions. Show Mr. Jamsa.


Wednesday, February 19

What we did in class today: We watched a film about biodiversity from Bill Nye.

What to do if you missed class today: Copy and complete the answers for the questions below in your notebook under “Biodiversity.” Find the answers in the film below.

A healthy ecosystem must have

2 examples of ecosystems:

All living things depend__________

3 Facts about biodiversity:

The things in ecosystems_________

An ecosystem is made up of ______________.

Non living things in an ecosystem:

If you take one thing away, you will affect_______.

Tuesday, February 18

What we did in class today: We learned about how Life Webs through a jar of Smuckers Jam.

What to do if you missed class today: Obtain a map from Mr. Jamsa. Tape it into your notebook under the title “Smuckers” Copy the notes from a classmate. The maps they made are a bit messy, so it will make it challenging, but do your best.

February 10 – February 14

Friday, February 14 – Golden Key Day

What we did in class today: The quiz was postponed. We defined and described the importance of biodiversity today.

What to do if you missed class: (Golden Keyers) – click on the Desert Island link on my web page and follow instructions. This is graded. Bring it Tuesday.


Thursday, February 13

What we did in class today: We learned about the concept of interdependence as we participated in various activities.

What to do if you missed class today: There is no way to make up the assignment.


Tuesday, February 11 – Wednesday, February 12

What we did in class today: We read from Dr. Art’s Guide to Science about Life Webs.

What to do if you missed class: This is a graded assignment and necessary for the test. You need to get a copy of the chapter and read this as soon as you return to class.


Early Release, February 10

What we did in class today: We learned about how our personal power can help with large societal issues like climate change.

What to do if you missed class today: Watch the film below and write down three questions you have and show Mr. Jamsa.

February 3 – 7

Friday, February 7th

What we did in class today: Mr. Jamsa was gone today. The class watched the first part of a great science film – Apollo 13.

What to do if you missed class today: Ask Mr. Jamsa. He can give you an alternate assignment to make up for the missed points for today.

Image result for apollo 13

Thursday, February 6th

Class A – before lunch

What we did in class today: We finished the DRAGONFLY POND activity.

What to do if you missed class today: See Mr. Jamsa or e-mail Mr. Jamsa and he can give you an alternate activity to make up for today’s points.

Class B – after lunch

What we did in class today: We looked at 15 criteria people can use when deciding on the perfect food to eat.

What to do if you missed class today: Talk to Mr. Jamsa. He can give you a copy of the criteria list for your notebook. This is a pre-test of sorts, so it is important that you are given a copy of it.


Wednesday, February 5

Class A – before lunch

What we did in class today: We started an interdependence activity called Dragonfly Pond.

What to do if you missed class today: You can’t make this activity up at home. If you are here on Wednesday, you can salvage your grade for this two-day activity.

Class B – after lunch

What we did in class today: We finished the DRAGONFLY POND activity.

What to do if you missed class today: Ask Mr. Jamsa or e-mail him and he can give you an alternate assignment if you missed today.


Tuesday, February 4

Class A – before lunch

What we did in class today: We reviewed 15 criteria that people can use when deciding on the perfect food.

What to do if you missed class today: Talk to Mr. Jamsa. He can give you a copy of the criteria list for your notebook. This is a pre-test of sorts, so it is important that you are given a copy of it.

Class B – after lunch

What we did in class today: We started an interdependence activity called Dragonfly Pond.

What to do if you missed class today: You can’t make this activity up at home. If you are here on Wednesday, you can salvage your grade for this two-day activity.


Monday, February 3

What we did in class today: We introduced the concept of Interdependence with a simple activity.

If you missed class: There is nothing specific you have to make up for today.

January 20 – January 30

Monday January 20 – Friday January 24

These last two weeks in class, we are either

a) Working on our science fair projects or

b) Teaming up with partners and doing a human body project to assess for the last time the three skills – What did I do?, What Happened?, and What did I Learn?

This last lab cannot lower the semester grade. However, for those with low grades in the three skills, it is possible too dramatically raise the science grade if the project is done well.

What to do if you missed significant class time over these past two weeks?

Click on the “THREE SCIENCE SKILLS HOME OPTION” link on this web page. Follow instructions. Learn from your past errors and show improvement. Turn in by Thursday, January 30th

January 13 – 17

Thursday/ Friday January 16-17

What we did in class these days: We did a two-day human body analogy project.

What to do if you missed class today: Follow the directions below or see Mr. Jamsa so you can make up this graded assignment

Choose an analogy to compare the human body with – like a store.

For each of the seven body systems below which we have studied, compare your analogy to the human body. An example follows.

7 systems to include: respiratory; circulatory; muscular; skeletal; digestive; nervous; urinary

EXAMPLE (using the analogy of a car): The nervous system is like the steering wheel of the car because the steering wheel controls where the car goes like the brain controls where the human body goes.


Wednesday, January 15

What we did in class today: We did more research for next week’s human body project by watching Bill Nye.

What to do if you missed class today: Watch the film clip below and take notes. It will help you with next week.


Tuesday, January 14

What we did in class today: We did human body research by circulating through the room and learning from each other’s poster projects.

What to do if you missed class today: See Mr. Jamsa after school and he can summarize the research you need for the later project.


Monday, January 13

What we did in class today: Mr. Jamsa was gone today. The non-science fair students did human body research with Bill Nye.

What to do if you missed class today: Watch the film clip below and take notes. You can use them for your last project next week.

January 6 – 10

Thursday/ Friday January 9 – 10

What we did in class: We did some research on a human body system and made a poster demonstrating our learning.

What to do if you missed class: You will have a zero on this grade unless you see Mr. Jamsa. He can give you the information and you instructions and you can make your own poster at home.


Wednesday, January 8

What we did in class today: We explored the relationship between cells and ecosystems.

What to do if you missed class today: Get a sheet of graph paper and copy the graphic organizer of a classmate.


Tuesday, January 7

What we did in class today: Science fair students worked on their projects. Other students watched the film Bill Nye: Respiration.

What to do if you missed class today: You can watch and take notes on the film posted below.


Early Release Monday, January 6

What we did in class today: We did a 2019 reflection, some review math activities, and gave an overview of the month in science.

What to do if you missed class today: There is nothing to make up for today.