February 18 – 21

Friday, February 21

Class A – before lunch

What we did in class today: I did a lecture about genetic mixing and two parents.

What to do if you missed class today: Copy the KEY LEARNING from the notes of a classmate. You will need this information for the final exam.

Class B – after lunch

What we did in class today: I did a lecture about species relationships.

What to do if you missed class today: Go to the Google classroom. Click on the posted material about adaptations. Follow instructions for the 2/21 lecture. Show Mr. Jamsa.


Thursday, February 20

Class A – before lunch

What we did in class today: We watched a film about the future of genetics and evolution in preparation for our evolution studies.

What to do if you missed class today: Watch the TED talk below and write down five observations or questions and show Mr. Jamsa.

Class B – after lunch

What we did in class today: There was a lecture about adaptations.

What to do if you missed class today: Go to the Google classroom. Click on the posted material about adaptations. Follow instructions. Show Mr. Jamsa.


Wednesday, February 19

What we did in class today: We watched a film about biodiversity from Bill Nye.

What to do if you missed class today: Copy and complete the answers for the questions below in your notebook under “Biodiversity.” Find the answers in the film below.

A healthy ecosystem must have

2 examples of ecosystems:

All living things depend__________

3 Facts about biodiversity:

The things in ecosystems_________

An ecosystem is made up of ______________.

Non living things in an ecosystem:

If you take one thing away, you will affect_______.

Tuesday, February 18

What we did in class today: We learned about how Life Webs through a jar of Smuckers Jam.

What to do if you missed class today: Obtain a map from Mr. Jamsa. Tape it into your notebook under the title “Smuckers” Copy the notes from a classmate. The maps they made are a bit messy, so it will make it challenging, but do your best.

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