
Instructions for note cards – do them properly and earn a 20% bonus on the test (maximum 100%)

1) Put one column on one side, the other column on the other side of the note card

2) Add a picture of symbol to every card (except the element cards)

3) Add color to all of them – make them look good

H Hydrogen
He Helium
Li Lithium
B Boron
C Carbon
N Nitrogen
O Oxygen
F Florine
Ne Neon
Na Sodium
Mg Magnesium
Al Aluminum
Si Silicon
P Phosphorus
S Sulfur
Cl Chlorine
Ar Argon
K Potassium
Mg Magnesium
Mass Similar to weight.  Measured in grams.
Volume Amount of space it occupies.  Measured in liters.
Distance How far.  Measured in meters
Density How compact the material is. Measured in g/ml
Electron Orbits nucleus; no mass; negative charge
Proton In nucleus, weighs 1, positive charge
Neutron In nucleus, weighs 1, no charge
Reduce Use less of material to begin with
Recycle Break down a material and build something else
Reuse Use material again or for a different purpose

There are THREE additional cards to make – they have information on one side only

Put this entire table on a card – big card #1

K H Dk No prefix D C M
Kilo Heka Deka No prefix Deci Centi Milli
1000x 100x 10x 1 1/10 1/100 1/1000
7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Put this entire table on a card – big card #2

Matter Both Energy
Made of atoms Cannot be
Like a fart in the wind
Cycles Moves
Over Time
Flows – becomes less useful
Made of elements   The ability to change matter
Earth “closed” to matter   Earth open to energy
Has mass and volume   Has no mass or volume
    Turns into thermal energy

Put the instructions below on a card – big card #3

Using the Periodic Table of the Elements

1) Small number in box is Atomic Number

2) Atomic Number equals the number of protons and also the number of electrons

3) Large number in box is atomic mass. (round this number)

4) Number of neutrons equals atomic mass – atomic number.



Questions matching the first 20 elements with their symbols

Comparing and contrasting energy and matter – use the Venn Diagram to study

With the periodic table, listing information about an element        

Metric conversion problems – you can use the chart

Comparing and Contrasting RRR       

System questions and questions about independent and dependent variables

Questions about measuring vocabulary; simple density problem