Raising my Science Grade over Thanksgiving Break


The week after break we are doing a lab.  The impact of the lab on the grade will be 50% of the semester grade.  Thus, having a good week with the team is important.  And grades can definitely go up or down depending on how the week goes.  They have been trained for this and can do well.



For this week only, I will allow students to still do that assignment for 80% credit.  The four grades can be made up in one of the following two ways:

A) Watch the film October Sky. You can find it on Amazon or Youtube for a small fee.  Take notes as you watch.  Prove to me that you are watching the film with the quality of your notes.  Randomly writing down 15 notes about what is happening at any time will more than cover it.

B) Google “TED TALK SCIENCE.” Watch any combination of TED Talks that add up to 80 minutes.  For each TED Talk, write the following:

a) Name of TED Talk        b) Running Time              

c) 3-4 sentence summary             d) 1-2 sentence reaction.

e) Have your parent or guardian sign the work.

ALL OF THIS WORK IS ABSOLUTELY DUE THE DAY YOU RETURN FROM BREAK.  The window for obtaining credit has closed.  I am opening it again for this week only.  It is a month late at this point.



If you did poorly on the test and want to raise your grade

1) You must take test printed below and do it at home. 

2) Check your answers.  (listed below) Try and learn from your mistakes. 

3) Write down any questions you have about the answers – things that you could not figure out on your own. 

4) See me after class or school with the practice test and your questions.  You must check in with me no later than the Tuesday after break showing me that you have retaken the test and have written your questions about it. 

5) From there, we will set an appointment for retaking the test.

(please note: The test below starts with question 51 because I was reusing scan-tron sheets.  There are 50 questions below, #51 – 100)


51) A  52) B  53) C 54) B  55) A  56) A  57) B  58) A  59) D  60) B 61) A  62) B  63) D  64) C  65) D 66) C  67) B  68) D  69) A  70) A 71) C  72) D  73) A  74) C  75) C  76) C  77) D  78) C  79) B  80) C 81) D  82) A  83) B  84) A  85) B  86) A  87) A  88) A  89) B  90) A  91) B  92) A  93) A  94) C  95) A 96) B  97) C  98) A  99) B  100) C


For #51-56, please indicate whether it is an example of

A) reduce B) reuse or C) recycle                                 

51) Turning off water when brushing teeth                           52) Using waste water to water garden.

53) Composting – turning food scraps into soil                     54) Using old newspaper to start campfire.

55) The best one to save planet earth                                     56) Owning only 1 pair of shoes, not 5.


57) 75 m = ___ km

a) 75000                               b) .075                                  c) 7.5                     d) .0075

58) 8.7 cg = ___ mg

a) 87                                      b) 870                                    c) .87                     d) .087

59) 45.3 kL = ____ Hl

a) 4530                  B) 45300                               C) 4.53                  d) 453

60) Heka means

a) 1000x                               B) 100x                                 C) 10x                    d) No prefix

61) The unit for measuring mass is

a) Grams                              B) Liters                                C) Meters            D) g/ml

62) The unit for measuring volume is

a) grams                               B) Liters                                C) Meters            D) g/ml

63) If something floats high in the water, it does not have a lot of

a) mass                 b) distance                          C) volume           d) density

64) 93 hm = ___ m

a) 930                                    B) 93000                               c) 9300                  d) 9.3

65) If the volume of an object is 10 ml, and the mass is 20 g, the density would be

a) .5 g/ml                             B) 200 g/ml                         c) 20 g/ml                            d) 2 g/ml


For 66-69, match the element with the symbol

a) C                                        b) Cl                                       c) Na                                      d) B

66) Sodium                         67) Chlorine                       68) Boron              69) Carbon


70) K is

a) Potassium                      b) Beryllium                        c) Sodium             d) Nitrogen

71) Mg is

a) Manganese                   b) Radon                              c) Magnesium      d) Malibium

72) H is

a) Halfnium                         b) Helium                            c) Neon                d) Hydrogen

73) N is

a) Nitrogen                         b) Neon                                c) Sodium             d) Helium


For #74 – 77, use the following answers:

a) 58.6                                   b) 59                                      c) 28                                       d) 31

74) What is the atomic number of Ni?

75) How many electrons does Ni have?

76) How many protons does Ni have?

77) How many neutrons does Ni have?


78) Which atomic particle has a positive charge?

a) neutron                          b) electron                          c) proton                   d) nucleus

79) Which atomic particle has no mass?

a) neutron                          b) electron                          c) proton                   d) nucleus


For 80 – 93, use the following list of possible answers:

a) Matter Only                   b) Energy Only                  

c) Both matter and energy           d) Neither energy or matter

80) Cannot be created or destroyed.                                                      

81) Created in volcanoes

82) Has mass and volume                                                                            

83) Becomes less useful over time.

84) Always in a cycle                                                                                      

85) Like a fart in the wind

86) Made of atoms                                                                                         

87) Can be recycled and used forever

88) Made of elements                                                                                  

89) The ability to change matter

90) Reduce, Reuse, Recycle this                                                                

91) Earth is open to this all the time

92) Earth is (in reality) closed to this                                                       

93) Solids, liquids, and gases


For 94 – 100, use the following list of answers:

a) Independent Variable               B) Dependent Variable                  C) Systems

94) Three questions                        95) On the X axis                             

96) On the Y axis               97) Made of parts

98) What you control                      99) What you measure                 

100) Parts working to make a whole